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A teen from Raytown was killed by a dog mauling; two dogs were seized

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - A 15-year-old died Friday from injuries he suffered in a dog attack.

The Raytown Police Department reported that Makai Williams of Raytown was injured in an apparent mauling on Nov. 14 at a residence in the 9300 block of East 77th Street.

Officers found him severely injured and unresponsive. The teen was taken to the hospital and died three days later.

The Raytown Quality Schools district stated Williams, a student at Raytown South High School, was an important part of his school community.

“This is a big loss for students, teachers and staff,” the district wrote.

Police said that as of Monday, no arrests had been made.

Two American Bully mixed breed dogs were impounded from the residence.

ALSO READ: Independence police hope driver of car has info about deadly crash

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Name: Rachel Hartman

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