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Analysis: Most versus the least expensive dog breeds to acquire

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    (KOMO, CNN/CNN Newsource)

    (KOMO, CNN/CNN Newsource)

    UNDATED (WKRC/KOMO/CNN Newsource) - Families gifting dogs and puppies for the holidays will want to consider which types are the most costly, both up front and in the long run.

    The Wall Street Journal analyzed which dog breeds are the most and least expensive to own, in terms of price, food, supplies, medical bills, and other associated costs.

    The most expensive breed was found to be the Tibetan Mastiff. Over its typical lifespan of 11 years, owners will spend nearly $49,000 to keep it happy and healthy.

    On the other end, the Rat Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier are the least expensive to maintain, with an average cost of just over $28,000 for about 15 years.

    French Bulldogs remain the most popular breed. Unsurprisingly, their puppies cost the most to purchase, with sellers charging an average of $2,800 or more.

    Across all of the breeds the Journal examined, the median amount owners paid over their dog's life was $33,000, about the same as a 2024 Honda Accord Hybrid.

    The authors of the study report it is cheaper to adopt dogs from animal shelters, which have a lower price and tend to have less health problems overall.


    Article information

    Author: Dr. Jennifer Heath

    Last Updated: 1702171441

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    Author information

    Name: Dr. Jennifer Heath

    Birthday: 1983-05-16

    Address: 54524 Hawkins Mountain Apt. 423, New Christine, HI 73901

    Phone: +3784144786735283

    Job: Zoologist

    Hobby: Running, Embroidery, Puzzle Solving, Bird Watching, Writing, Sailing, Raspberry Pi

    Introduction: My name is Dr. Jennifer Heath, I am a audacious, dear, unguarded, frank, venturesome, forthright, unreserved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.